Personal skills are increasingly important in the world of work that young people are preparing for.
Argonaut Travel Education sessions will build a whole range of skills for young people. These include teamwork, self confidence, communication, trust and "thinking out of the box" to solve problems.
Home schooling has many advantages; lots of time online and flexibility to learn at your own pace. Learning to interact with others is a vital skill that needs practice with people.
Based in the Peak District, the activities come to schools or youth groups.
Activity days are for Primary Schools, Prep Schools, Secondary Schools and teachers!
Sessions are ideal for Key Stage Transition Days, Activity/Discovery Weeks, Enrichment days, and INSET/Staff development.
In addition, I can deliver the sessions as part of weekly clubs for schools.
In addition to all the skills that young people are developing, we also offer navigation training. This will show you how to find your way around the countryside if Google maps fails or GPS fails.
If you are taking part in the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, these navigation skills will help you to complete Bronze, Silver and Gold.
These are just three of the fun activities that you can take part in.
The team building activities also help young people to build self-confidence and resilience with challenges.
I encourage young people to think of ways to solve problems, especially "thinking out of the box". Often there is more than one way to achieve a task. After activities, we will discuss and review the learning.
Having these personal skills is what can set young people apart from others when applying for university, training courses or a job.
Activities can be linked to curriculums, such as STEM learning. A popular challenge is building a tower from marshmallows and pasta.
The Mute Shepherd challenge is just one great activity that develops trust and communication. In short, the team need to develop a method for their "shepherd" to round up the blindfolded "sheep". Young people will improve their communication skills, in ways that extend beyond spoken communication.
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